We are going through so many changes.
Deep, profound change is expected of us
at this time & it's challenging.
But.....I'm up for a challenge ~ you?
We are called to New. We must develop
different ways; sharpen our habits of how
we show up. As we look at our habitual
ways of doing things & our own nature,
we can then choose whether to develop our
current habits further or let 'em go -
UN-learn 'em- & learn new.
The learning is easy compared to the struggle
of UN-learning. Un-learning is always individual -
it's never about "them". It takes becoming aware
of what is automatic for you. When you slow down
a bit & pay attention, things look different, feel different.
To start: see each & every situation as absolutely Neutral.
To see situations as neutral means you see them BEFORE
your buttons are pushed; before you add any meaning to
them. When your buttons are pushed, go THROUGH the
knee-jerk reactions & just observe for a moment to see
things just as they are. From there, write a new script -
try something different. It's LIBERATING!
This is new for all of us in certain situations.
It's some strange-ass work that beckons mindfulness.
In 2017 & on a larger scale, it's not hard to see that our
whole country could use some work. But, maybe if each
of us does our individual work of Un-learning the old ways,
collectively, we could un-learn some of our old song-n-dance
& WE could intentionally birth the New.
It takes these 3 things:
Fierce Vulnerability
Relentless Practice,
& a shit-ton of Forgiveness.
Otherwise known as.....Compassion - showing up
completely (no hiding or "small-ing")& opening to others
just as they are. Alert & Open.
Simply put, Un-learning is changing our heart/mind.
Understanding it was all a thought & thoughts change.
Intentionally changing our thoughts & feelings is a challenge.
But the nudge is happening. We've outgrown the old.
Are you up for a challenge?
Compassion grows out of your soft, open heart creating a
"placeless place" of neutrality - beyond approval or disapproval.
It grows from a mind open to ANYthing - possibilities.
Science calls for this - so does religion.
Start with: "Maybe they're right" (if you can't say
"Maybe I'm wrong"). Notice instances where your
thinking has shifted. We've been doing this evolving
all our lives - we grew out of 12th-Grade thinking.
We've grown out of the 20th century.
Now, let's move beyond the past century & begin the
work of the new - we're 17 years in. This is the change
we're going through. Have you noticed?
This is the UN-learning & development we must do.
The old ways we've valued won't work in the New.
Compassion is the objective seeing that births New in
the outer world -beyond our thinking & dreams.
We can already feel which of the old ways is being replaced
by the new - look at your phone, for Pete's sake. We didn't
see that one coming even 25 years ago.
With SPIN this year, I hope to bridge the inner us to the outer us.
I see this as THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK for each of us.
It is needed. The past century didn't value Compassion.
The past century didn't value the un-paid relationship or service.
Let's take the country back to dignity, respect, compassion.
When Life is lived in balance between heart/mind & the doing,
Heaven & Earth are bridged as never before. We have
evolved & are evolving.
Let's roll our sleeves up, breathe & take the challenge!
It's a labor of love, we're contracting & New WILL BE BORN.
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