Monday, June 27, 2016

Meditation 4 Life Seminar July 9, 2016

Dharma: The intrinsic nature of a thing.
....the dharma of sugar is sweetness;
the dharma of water is wetness...

What is the nature of a day in the life of YOU?
Modern living can feel fast-paced & demanding
in ways that don't allow rest, reflection, or even
deep planning.  Relationships are dealt with like
tasks on a to-do list, scratching off time spent
with those in our lives without going deeper than
a hover.  The constant change in relationships -
whether at work, in our families, or loving com-
munities, is leading to imbalance & a fear of any
more changes.  After years of living this way, we're
left feeling as if something is missing.  Maybe we're
not doing something right...not connecting with any-
one. Our old adrenaline ways of filling the hole by
shopping or vacationing just don't last long enough.

Exploring Dharma of ourselves requires an alert
stillness that our daily living rarely provides.
Is even one more year of this lifestyle worthy of our
practice?  Look around - this is not so uncommon.
In this day & age, we're called to live withIN our
means - making peace with sabotaging habits &
outlooks that call us to attention.

Part of our nature is Pure Potentiality & Possibilities.
What if ..... things could be different?
What if...... I could invest my money & time in ways
that HELP me?
What if...... I could see PEACE instead of this?
What if...... connection with others had us all feeling
What if all this were possible....?

It is all possible if you say so!

What if life were more like meditation?
Seem impossible?
It is SO not.  It requires practicing the shift to
MINDFULNESS. Let go of mind-chatter.
Mind -Chatter shows up as
* Clutter
* Overweight
* Drama
* Excess
* Overwhelm.
Take a look around your home, car, thought patterns.
We created what we see.
Let's create something we like better.

Take a deep breath - inhale for a count of 4 &
exhale for a count of 8. I recommend  the kind of
breath from the movie Napoleon Dynamite.
In House of SPIN, we practice 3 Breaths:
#1  Napoleon Dynamite "Let It All Go" breath
#2  Exhale with AUM
#3  Exhale with Oxytocin Breath (the hormone
released when nursing, making love, feeling joy.
It's the Tend & Befriend hormone as opposed to
Adrenaline: the Fight or Flight hormone) It sounds
like a an AHHhhhh moan.
That is a great way to settle in.  Allowing ourselves
to live withIN our bodies.

Following the breath is one form of meditation,
so is sitting, mindful walking, & LAUGHING.
Daily meditation grows & sustains balance & an
ability to cut through the BS of day-to-day tension
build-up.  We owe it to ourselves & those we love to
let go of fears of transition & change. To model a new
behavior for those watching. To cultivate resilience
Meditation helps us do just that.

* Learn the History & Science of Meditation
* Attune Your Body with Chakra Awareness
* Develop Your Very Own Favorite Meditation Practice
This seminar is for Beginners & Practitioners alike.
It is Instructional & Introductory for creating
a Beautiful Life & I'd LOVE to help YOU create YOURS.

Meditation 4 Life Seminar
Saturday, July 9th, 9am-2pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff
3839 W. Kiest Blvd Dallas
Please email any seminar questions to:

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