Sunday, February 6, 2022

Wing Walkers Institute

Navigating the Winds of Change

You may have heard it said that Life is Change.

These past 2-3 years have been FILLED with 

changes that either wipe us out or strengthen 

our resilience.


One way to truly hold your center is to reel in 

your attention to your own well-being 

through specific, day-to-day practices being 

taught in Wing Walkers Institute: Navigating the Winds of Change.

Wing Walkers Institute is a 3 month intensive program designed to 

  • connect you with your own inner wisdom - building trust

  • provide easy to follow daily rituals that enhance your experience

  • open your mind beyond current situations to move beyond stuckness

  • rewire your thoughts about changes 

Want to know the nature of your thoughts & 

emotions? Really take a good look at the experience of your life as it is right now. 

Your life is the reflection of your inner world.

Knowing this, why not work more closely with 

the causal energies within? It’s the only way to 

experience your genuine life

Nothing missing. 

Nothing to get rid of.

With Wing Walkers Institute, you will recover 

a bold sense of magic & coincidence that 

comes with a deeper awareness.

Your life is being created all the time - mostly,

 without your conscious help.

Ease & confidence come with practice, 

but come they will … when you’re ready. 

We’ll do this with Practical Mysticism. 

Step-by-step. Alone / Together.

If your interest is piqued, please click on this link

for more details including cost & start date.

Please contact me with any 

questions or comments:

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Peaks & Valleys: Coping Skills for the Ups & Downs of Life


I know this is a new year, but 2021 - the Year of the Metal Ox - is asking us to continue with many of the same conditions as before.  

The Good News: We have a TON of muck to deal with as we move forward. 

Could we find benefit by slowing-up & sitting with some old hurts just waiting for attention? You BET!

Peaks & Valleys is what I call the ups & downs in the day-to-day of life. Cleaning up the residual buildup from years of glossing over what's eating us up takes skills. 

On February 28th, 2-4pm MST, I am offering an assortment of useful thoughts & actions that can help us celebrate a wonderful new year.  Sure, there's meditation. But what if you aren't comfortable with that one? There are others - including play - that when used with intention can bring insight that liberates. These troubles are our greatest teachers. They only came to pass!

Peaks & Valleys: Coping Skills for the Ups & Downs in Life.

For more info & to register for your seat, click the link below.

*Email Me @ with Your Questions

Get Your Ticket by Clicking Here:

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Savvy Memberships: PLAY More / PAY Less



  • Moon Circle ~ 3rd Thursdays Starting in March ~ $15

  • Sunday Workshop :Varies each Month: Click Here for More Info

Additional Offerings:

  • Circle of 9 ~ New Groups Start April, July, & October

  • Personal Coaching:  60 min Session: $60

  • Group Coaching (3 or more): 60 min Session: $30 each

Ready to Play MORE in 2021 and Pay LESS?


Savvy Memberships

SAVVY = Start Accelerating the Vibrations by Valuing Yourself


Invest in yourself in 2021 AND be wise with your money.


  • *Free* Weekly House of SPINs

  • *Free* Monthly Moon Circles

  • 25% off Workshop Price

  • 10% off All Other Offerings (Circle of 9, etc)

  • 50% off Private Coaching / Group Coaching

  • *Free* Monthly Newsletter

To Become a Member:  

Email Me @

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

SPIN 2021: What's Coming Up?


** Each Week** :

House of SPIN - Monday Nights @ 6pm MT time ($5)  

** Each Month**  is a Sunday Workshop: 

Feb 28th: Peaks & Valleys: Coping Strategies


** Each Week:**

House of SPIN - Monday Nights @ 7pm TX time ($5)


** Each Month** 

March 18 … Monthly MOON CIRCLE Begins: ($15) 

3rd Thurs Evening @ 7pm TX time

Watch for Eventbrite Details

March 28th: Sunday Workshop: 

Circle River: Flow/Unstoppering  

Watch for Eventbrite Details  


** Quarterly ** : 

Circle of 9 ConcludesNew Circle of 9 Begins April 6th.

SPIN Basics: What IS It, Exactly?


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Soul Bridge Gathering with Kathy KinKaid

 Soul Bridge Gathering with Kathy KinKaid

Sunday, January 24, 2021

2 ~ 4 pm MST on Zoom

Here in Pueblo, I see tumbleweeds - all those years in TX,

& never really saw any in MY neighborhoods - but here in Pueblo -

it’s kinda strange & surprising. Something rolling across the road

while I’m driving.

Like those tumbleweeds, 2020 has given us a very strange experience

on the planet. I had heard for YEARS that  there were many changes

approaching - changes in the way we live, think, understand the world.

I never really understood how we - as a collective - could possibly change

ALL TOGETHER - an evolution of sorts.

An event that moves us away from a world of need, speed, & greed & into .....NEW.  

How would this happen, I wondered? 

And then came COVID.

Like the surprise of those tumbleweeds, what is this crossing our road?

Could there be a method to this madness?

Could we see it more clearly with new eyes & different angles?

Sunday, January 24th, 2-4pm MST, I’m offering a gathering space to discuss

some different views of this desert-land we’ve blown onto.

We will be exploring 3 different views of what’s happening:

  1. Overview: Scientific reasoning of global, energetic changes

  2. Physical View: Our historic presence / lives --- “reality”

  3. Metaphysical View: the underlying information that brings context / meaning

When these views are bridged together, a new understanding occurs.

Wisdom grows as we  take the time to see through different lenses.  

With shared wisdom, things become much more visible.

It all begins within.

EVERYTHING is created TWICE:  first in Mind and second, in our lives.

The way I see it - while we are isolated, we COULD

take the time to water the seeds of whatever it is

we’re growing within us at this time.

Rabindranath Tagore says - “Everything that belongs to us comes to us 

if we create the capacity to receive it.”

What will YOU be receiving?

Join me, Sunday, January 24, 2-4pm MT. The cost is only $25.

Our Zoom meeting room includes 

  • safe distancing - requires no masks

  • the freedom to share on what I call the SOUL BRIDGE. 

This format includes everyone’s voice.

You can come away with a 

  • new presence of mind through meditations & different perspectives

  • fresh insight as we take the time to reframe

  • practices to restore a sense of purpose in our day-to-day lives

  • a downloadable companion workbook with helpful hints to keep - so you can continue to become familiar with this new Wild West!

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next. Jonas Salk

It all begins within.

This event is taking place through Eventbrite. To register or share this event,

go to

Search Bar: Soul Bridge Gathering


I look forward to seeing YOU on the Soul Bridge.

~ Kathy KinKaid

Thursday, September 3, 2020

And How Are YOU?

For the first time, asking "how are you?" is an actual question 
(as opposed to making conversation). I often find this question
hard to answer - there are so MANY options.

"Which part of me do you want to know about...?"

I have my work, my daily life, my zoom life & a life that
has slipped into a chapter formerly called Normal.
As we move into the second part of a year with a global
pandemic, "no shirt / no shoes / no service" now includes
a mask & some distance. I miss the accidental conversations
as I'm grocery shopping or hugs from friends I may have just
seen an hour ago. The promise of traveling great distances
to be with those I love is just about unbelievable at this point.
I rely on the old habit of keeping busy to protect me from 
remembering too deeply just how wonderful life was -
before I knew it. Running unconscious was my super power- 
blowing by folks I didn't have time for like there'd always
be next time.....How could I even get to "how are you?" 

Just what kind of SUPER POWER would help us at this time?

Nothing is stopping us from developing a renewed friendship 
with ourselves. Lord knows in my old Normal, I was quite 
good at blowin' past mySelf, too! As we wait to hit the stage of
New / Post COVID Times, it's like being in the Green Room
listening for our cue. Waiting is a listening-for. With my ears
turned inward, I can hear the stirrings of many things.

Animal symbols show up in my dreams & in my daily 
practices, showing the way to hidden super powers.
In this time, strength & perseverance could prove helpful.
Not the old, rip-roaring, punch & kick kind of strength.
I've found that I'm much too "done" with aggressive, 
heavy-hitting workouts or hard-nose plans to attack my day.
These don't build the kind of strength I feel in these days. 
I'm all about going for a walk in the mornings & smelling the 
flowers. It reminds me of the story of Ferdinand the Bull who valued the contentment of just being under a tree. 
I can be strong & content.

I have found that my greatest strength is consistency.
Like the old tortoise in the Tortoise & the Hare fable,
the steadfastness & patience is actually quite heroic - 
if you want to make it through obstacles on your path. 
Mindfully walking through the day can allow thoughts to rise 
that haven't seen the light of day in awhile. 
A connection to what really matters to ME. 

I've found a new, wonderfully old fashioned way of connecting 
with the PEOPLE I miss seeing - Snail Mail. Yes, it's of a slow, 
steady pace. I'm sending notes out just about every day & love 
anticipating the moment when my friends receive them. 
It's QUIRKY! (could quirky be a super power?)
Snails symbolize the slowing pace of our lives. 
We are also growing in our awareness of time and that we 
absolutely COULD spend it more wisely. Nice & Easy does it.

As we move collectively through this time of great transition,
New will Rise to the occasion & we will fold the Old into
it - at least the parts of it that are still helpful. Perhaps things 
will transform & we'll be all right in the long run. May we each
discover our own super powers which were known as Character 
way back in the older days. (is the word "character" still used...?)
In this long process of becoming, with a slower pace, 
we may find a connection we long for in just asking ourselves in 
the quietude of a morning walk: 
"How are YOU?".

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world ... 
                                                  the master calls the butterfly.